Missouri Literacy Association An Affiliate of International Literacy Association |
Tips for Parents“You may have tangible wealth untold; |
Looking for a good book for your child? Check out the Missouri Association of School Librarian's Readers Awards 2019-20. The librarians of Missouri believe that exposing students to quality literature impacts their future reading habits. MASL’s four Readers Awards represent the best current youth literature available to students of different grade levels. SHOW ME AWARD NOMINEES (Grades 1-3) Picture books, easy to read aloud, with interest and appeal to children 6 to 10 years old. MARK TWAIN AWARD NOMINEES (Grades 4-6) Chapter books will be of literary value which may enrich children’s personal lives. TRUMAN AWARD NOMINEES (Grades 6-8) Books will interest students in their early teen years and should be of literary value and enrich readers lives. GATEWAY AWARD NOMINEES (Grades 9-12) Books of interest to young adults that appeal to their needs, interests and reading levels. | Looking for a great resource for parents? Go to Reading Rockets website by clicking HERE. Find all things literacy! Books for your child's interests Blogs for parents Author interviews Articles Literacy calendar Downloadables for fun Reading Rockets Tweets Search for free books Literacy apps Podcasts |